Friday, November 7, 2008

So much has happened in the Style Force world, I scarce had time to email, let alone blog.

We've chosen our winners and had the most amazing show, which really embodied the essence of cutting edge fashion and design.

Our MC for the evening was Buli G, judges were divided into model judges, mohair judges, 3rd yr ranges judges, Smirnoff Storm YDC judges and crafter judges. This meant that the load was evenly spread & everyone had individual attention paid to their craft.

Our models were hot, keep your eyes open coz they are going to create a heat wave once they get going. Jessica De Beer & Enrique Noonan took top honours, while Karis Bailey and Nathan Ingram were worthy runners up. Then Olwethu Rabi & Werner Oelofse took the coveted third place.

The designs were amazing. Slam dunk to all the winners! They are true trend forecasters and masters of their craft. Colleen Eitzen from The Space was blown away by the talent, I know, coz i was sitting right next to her. She could retort the names of the designers by just looking at the garments on show, pretty impressive.

The crafters are inspirational, coming up with creative way's to make accessories from any types of material. The accessories were not outlandish at all, they complimented the outfits as per the brief given to them. So, this meant embellishing belts, scarves or the actual garment or adding actual accessories to the outfit. The bags on show were obviously winners for me!

I wish I could wrap up the whole show in a couple of words, but that will never happen, my language is too inadequate to do the show justice, so I invite you to watch the little snippets of the edited video online. I also am taking liberties by appealing to you to fill the gap in your fashion education and buy tickets for next years show. Its already being planned, and Oh My, what a show it is going to be.

More on the show and the models, a little later.

TV shows have cliff hangers to draw viewers back, so, why cant I? :-)